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Name : mori utsavi bharatbhai
Roll No : 44
Enrollment No. : 2069108420180037
M.A Sem-1
Year : 2017-2019
Email id :
Paper No. : 1
Submitted To. : Department of English bhavnagar
Topic : character of Adam
Introduction :~
Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674) was an English poet, polemicist, man
of letters, and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England under Oliver
Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political upheaval, and is
best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), written in blank verse.It's
easy to portray artists as rebels of their time. The thinking goes, if they're
not offending someone's sensibilities, they're probably not making anything interesting.
This is true to varying degrees, but it is super true when it comes to John
It's easy to portray artists as rebels of their time. The thinking goes,
if they're not offending someone's sensibilities, they're probably not making anything
interesting. This is true to varying degrees, but it is super true when it comes
to John Milton. He is an English poet of titanic proportions.
Major Prose & Political Life in During this period, Milton wrote a ton of important prose works; that was
where he was really focused. In 1643 he publishes Doctrine and Discipline of
Divorce, coming out in favor of being able to end marriages, which was still
quite controversial at the time. Now, 50% of marriages end in divorce, but back
then, no divorce! His most lasting prose piece was published in 1644
(Areopagitica), and it's basically an attack on censorship. Censorship was a
huge thing, now it's just in China. Back then, it was all over the place. China
will probably censor me for saying that! In 1649 he releases The Tenure of
Kings and Magistrates, which is basically saying that the people have the right
to execute a bad monarch. Charles I could not have been happy with this because
the target was clearly on his back for that.
Adam is the first man and the father of
mankind. He prefigures the human race, representing the perfect male form. Adam
is all fathers, sons and brothers rolled into one. Formed in the image of God,
he is God-like, but not a God. Neither is he flawless as he is a kind of
replica, inferior to his maker. Adam is created with free will and so has to
make a choice whether to be obedient to God and refuse the apple, or to follow
Eve. His fond (which also means foolish) love for Eve is his downfall. Adam is
superior to Eve - he was created in the image of God, she in the image of man,
and Adam is even called her 'author' - but he does not initially assert his
authority. Adam is too trusting of Eve, taking the fruit she offers to him, and
too devoted, choosing to share her fate against the command of God.
~Adam is the name used in the opening chapters of
the Book of Genesis for the first man created by God, but it is also used in a
collective sense as "mankind" and individually as "a
human".Before the Fall, Adam and Eve coexist harmoniously in Eden, almost
as one flesh and spirit, but they become more distinct from each other
throughout the course of Paradise Lost. has a dream which she can only share
with Adam by telling him about it, and then, alone, she encounters Satan and
tastes the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.Adam and Eve are created by the
same God and have nature in common, but in some ways nurture separates them.
After the fall, their love turns to blame. However, in realizing and repenting
of their sin, they learn of forgiveness, and are reunited in a relationship of
mutual support in the face of hardship, wending their solitary way out of Eden
hand in hand.

~The conversations between Adam and Eve
before Book X are models of civilized discourse. These conversations are
difficult to imagine
as real, but they reflect the nature of the two humans. Adam's and humanity's
values are reflected in his attitude, which is revealed through his speech — to
Eve, to Raphael, and to God. In each instance when Adam speaks, he shows the
proper relationship to the being with whom he converses. While he is superior
to Eve and inferior to Raphael and God, there is still no hint of haughtiness
in his discussions with Eve or of
in his talks with the angel and God. Always Adam shows the proper respect and
relationship in graceful speech and manners.Allah created Adam from a handful
of earth taken from the entire world, which explains why the peoples of the
world are of different colours He was the first prophet of Islam and the first
Muslim, as the Quran says that all the prophets preached the same faith of
submission to God. When Allah informed the angels that he would create a
viceregent (a khalifa) on Earth the angels objected, saying he would spread
corruption and bloodshed, but Allah allowed Adam to reveal the names of the
beasts to the angels, saying, "I (Adam) know what you (Allah) reveal and
what you conceal;" the scholar Al-Tabari explained that Adam was referring
to the evil plans of Iblis.Adam's curiosity and intellect are revealed.
Likewise, Adam informs Raphael about Adam's and Eve's creation and about their
relationship. Man and Angel have information for each other, and they present
this information within the formalized structure that establishes their
relationship.The chiastic structure of the death oracle given to Adam in 3:19
forms a link between man's creation from "dust to the "return"
of his beginning.

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