1) Feminist reading of Harmione’s character in Harry Potter: How do the character portrayal of Harmione and other female characters support feminist discourse?

Harmione as courageous and strong character , an integral part of ' The trio ' . Hermione's greatest strength is a vast intellect combined with her magical ability. She portrayed as an emotional character , Harry not means it is boycentric narration here. Sometimes Hermione self- conscious about physical appearance , that can be seen as feminist reading. That women cares for it much not men. She also feel jealous when Ron dating anyone.
Sometimes common patriarchal gender roles have been reversed and Hermione is given the power to take control of the situation, while harry just follows her. McGonagall holds powerful position in Hogwarts against professor . Tom Riddle uses Ginny for power , Rowling criticising the immorality of society where men feel free to victimize women. nowadays fight against patriarchy in real world for own identities and empowerment.
2) Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter: How do the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) giving an anti-thesis by related protagonists to half-blood / mud-blood? What kind of synthesis is sought in this talk in Harry Potter series?
Pure blood for Wizards and Witches who have no muggle blood or muggle born They are supremacists, weasly, potter and lang bottoms.
Half-blood for those Wizards and Witches who have magical and muggle ancestors in their family trees.Half-blood inferior to pure blood.The malfoy family, Voldemort and Severus snape belong to it. Harry is himself a Half-blood, his father married to Muggle born Lily.
Muggle is born Malfoy used the term Murdoch to insult Hermione.
(3) Confronting reality by reading fantasy: How does reading harry potter make us confront the reality of our everyday existence?
Fantasy stories are often used to represent a particular reality.
Harry's frustration, desires and loneliness are based on emotions and feelings that are very typical for real people to experience.
Social morality issues such as greed, power, fame, and superiority became one of the dark themes also present in current society. Discriminatioin Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, in school house produces that too in our society and culture.
4) Self-help culture and Harry Potter: How does it stand by an argument that self-help culture serves as a tool of social control: it sooths political unrest . . One blames oneself for not getting better off is society and remains in one's own pursuit of self-invention, blaming oneself for the failure instead of the systems?
From this series, we are able to recognize ourself in that character and understand the struggle, thus may have better understanding our own.
From Harry 's character sense of deciding own Fate Some relationships, friends and siblings very important in life
Feelings of hopeless, lost friends, life and love, felt triumph and loss, this reading make us wiser and disillusioned with the world. Characters gave us our own experience and inspire hope when we are struggling with our own experience.
5. The Discourse of Power and Politics in Harry Potter
Harry Potter very deeply making statement on power and politics Foucault's power and knowledge Knowledge is always a power of power and power is always a function of knowledge and knowledge created by those who are in power position. In Harry Potter the Ministry of Magic is the power and rules over the Hogwarts school. Prof. Dolores Umbridge declares theoretical education rather than practical Voldemort and his death eaters have the ultimate power and practices on the mudbloods and Muggles. Role of Ministry of magic, considered as the power, ministers like Dolores Umbridge who seeks the power of their own rules. Author very well observed the talk of power and apply in the novel.
(6) Children's Literature and Harry Potter
Harry Potter was written as children literature because it deals with fantasy world, mystery story, school story, adventure novel, humorous story, and epic after four books it does not remain as a children's literature. Along with children's literature It includes some aspect of adolescent literature as well. It takes children to the reality that if you know magic then also After fifth and sixth part it does not stay as much of it. Harry deals with power and politics, the dark lord The different perspective of this novel like racism, ministry, politics, which is more than children's literature.
7. Speculative literature and Harry Potter
Speculative writing is defined as a photo or reading a short scenario and then writing a fictional story about what will happen next This novel has aspects of speculative fiction. Speculative means do not exist in real world, often in the context of the supernatural, futuristic or other imaginative themes. It includes science fiction, fantasy, superhero, horror and supernatural fiction. 'Harry Potter' is also considered as speculative fiction, it has the supernatural powers, the magical world, horror, mystery. The novel refers to the imaginative kind of animals, places, which we never listen. Like, Basilisk, nicknamed the King of Snakes by wizards, fluffy- three headed dog.
8. The theme of Choice and Chance
Choice determines the outcomes not chance. In the life we all have choices and chance, it is on us Choices are most important than abilities Voldemort and Harry both have almost same abilities but it's choice that makes them different. Harry has a good intentions, but he chooses to make it own self. Sorting hat putting Harry in the Gryffindor house, as Dumbledore says him that if you want then hat put you in Gryffindor house And he also says that it is not our ability that make us, it is our abilities who define us Voldemort both have same abilities but choices makes them different Person's choices and actions defines the morality Hermione chooses to destroy the horcruxes. Peter Pettigrew chooses the wrong path. Neville Chooses in Deathly Hallows to fight at Hogwarts Even after the death Eaters take over In a way it is us who we are chooses
9. The theme of Love and Death
Love is the central theme of the novel Harry stands for love, friendship, bravery Love and death are major concerns in the novel. Because of the good things In the first part That's why Harry was able to defeat the Quirrell. While Voldemort is far away from the concept of love and he never knew that, what love is Harry says to Ron and Hermione that Voldemort is not what we have to say Harry's selfless love for friends and family Death also played an important role Many of the characters are killed In fourth part Cedric dies, Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry, also dies Harry's parents, Dumbledore, one of the twin brothers dies In the end Voldemort also dies So, love and death are major themes in the novel.
10. Moral and Philosophical reading of Harry Potter
Harry and Voldemort, different morality values. Harry's moral values becomes the Voldemort In his acceptance of his mortality, "the boy who lived" is able to be more fully and wholly to live. Voldemort in the quest to be immortal he loses his morals. In the end of many books Dumbuldore give love, choices, friendship Throughout the Harry Potter series there are two distinct types of characters, morally good and bad. On the good side there are characters such as, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore. While on the bad side Draco, Umbridge, Voldemort Who are in the favour of good moral values
11. Christianity and Harry Potter Series
In the novel, Christianity, no church, no prayer But Harry's self sacrifice, love for humanity In the series we can not find any kind of religious discussion, no church at all, no prayer In life threatening situations too, Jesus is not remembered when fighting with Voldemort But if we see the events we can find Christian imagery In the beginning, we have saved, as Jesus saved, Harry also saved. Last part connected with resurrection Directly it does not show the prints of Christianity.
12. What is your opinion on this: -
Harry Potter, the novel conveys the message which is not liked by reader and many who watched the movie. Because the protagonist, the half blood wins over the pure blood, which can not digest And what can be assume about media and press.