19, march 2019
1) Narrative structure:
The Novel and the film has almost similar structure. Both works starts with flashback techniques. In the film used one reality show KBC in which question and answer session going on. All the questions leads Jamal into his past. While in the novel wanted poster used. By using this poster writer talking about his past.The narrative structure was first person narrative.
2) Indianness:
Train is also found in both the works. It shows the Indianness in the work.It is a symbol of poverty and crowd.Train shows middle class position.
Curruption can be found in both works. In the novel talking about Currupt nature of entrepreneur's drivers. In the film shows Currupt nature of Jamal 's brother. He was getting more money from tourist.Anchor of KBC show do cheating by telling answer to Jamal.Nowadays Curruption also part of India.This way we see Indianness in these works.
Religion :
Religion is also important element of Novel and film. In the novel described the darker side of religion.And in the film we had seen Hindu Muslim riot which creates problem in the Area, criticism of 'Darshan do Ghanshyam' song. This way people use Religion.Indian people blindly believe in religion that we see in both the works.
Education system:
Both the protagonist Jamal (Film) and Balaram (Novel) are uneducated. In the novel shows darker and Currupt side of education system. It shows the darker side of India. Jamal could not able to study.
In the film shows the largest slum area of Asia Dharavi which located in India. Both the works based on the life of poor peoples struggle. Both works criticized poverty as the darker side of India.Both protagonists believes that if you want to become rich you must do wrong things.
3) List of the questions asked in the film 'Slumdog Millionaire'

1. Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanzeer"
2. A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath?
3. In depiction of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?
4. The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet?
5. On the American One Hundred Dollar Bill, there is a portrait of which American Statesman?
6. Who invented the revolver?
7. Cambridge Circus is in which UK City?
8. Which cricket has scored the most first class centuries in history?
9. In Alexander Dumas' book, "The Three Musketeers", two of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer?
All these questions and their answers are connected with the life of Jamal.With the help of these questions-answer we get knowlege about Jamal's brain power.He connected all the questions with his life amd get answered.After these questions I also want to add questions about trains because Jamal spend a lot of time surrounded by train.
4) Deconstruction of film from post colonial perspective.
"The Slumdog Millionaire" can be seen from post colonial perspective. This film was directed by English director Danny Boyle. In the film white people portrayed as good and gentle fellow. In India many foreigners came to visit the famous places of India. In the scene of the film when the foreign people came to visit Taj Mahal. At that time Salim charged more money from them, some thief stolen the car parts of foreigners and sold it. At that time Jamal was suspected to responsible for this crime. He was beaten by one Indian and foreigners shows mercy upon him and gave him some money.
So by this director portrayed white people as good, civilized sofisticated and humble people. While on the other hand Indian portrayed as Poor, dirty, uncivilized, corrupt, uneducated people. The term it self based on the power dynamics. It shows the superiority of white on the Indian people.
Even after many years of Independence we still have slaves of white people not physically but mentally. We always like British and do whatever they want. So this way today also we are not independent.
In movie one scene was on V.T. Station, and also director use perticular pillar. On that pillar one Britishers name .This is highly problematic for Indians.Because V.T. Station also made by some Britishers.
5) Compare with Texture and Treatment of subject content in film and novel.
The novel and the Film based on darker side of India. The texture of the film and novel little differs from each other. In the novel the protegonist Balaram as a currupt person. He has seen the example of the darker side of india while in the film Jamal was very good person, he never did any wrong thing in his life. It shows all the negative side of India and Indian people.
In the novel poetic justice not happened by punishing the Balram. I have murdered his master yet not caught by police. While in the film poetic justice happened when Salim committed suicide at the end and Jamal became popular and rich. Both the work differs from each other on the Bases of treatment given to wrong people.
Thank you !
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