Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Talk with an author Dr. Vishal Bhadani

19, March 2019

Talk with an author Dr. Vishal Bhadani

On January 1, 2019, we talked about Dr. Vishal Bhadani's guest speech was given. I have talked about the short stories 'Fictional' and its importance in the lives of its ordinary people. Vishal Sir read his two stories and also gave tips for writing short stories or any work.

I had read three short stories of 'Fictional' which are 'Mara Hath Ki Vath Nathi', 'Sansni and Ranjana' and 'Museum of Innocence'. All these stories are related to middle class people.

(1) Mara Hath ni wat nathi: -

The writer covers all the basics in this story, but the title itself is challenging. The writer connects the problems of society with different parts of the hand. Plate, Finger, Thumb etc. It connects various parts of the hand with various items, Buddha, Lord Vishnu, Devi Lakshmi, Vasco da Gama etc. In this way the author uses a lot of symbols in his work.

 (2) Innosense Museum: -

The title represents the modern world. But reality is different .This story is completely paradoxical to the title. This story is about the villagers. There is a letter from Istanbul to the village. In this letter, Istanbul wants the innocent thing to be a new 'music of innocence'. All villagers have become curious that they will send innocent things to Istanbul. After a lot of talk, when he did not find any answer like old slogan doshi.She used to speak only the language of satirical, hence its name is used as a symbol. After a lot of thinking he gets the solution and sends the fruit of the banayan tree.

             According to Kadvi Doshi, for many years people used to sit under the banayan tree and still stand there without complaining and shade. All these reasons that make you feel stupid but have a deeper meaning. In this way, two short stories can be interpreted in as many ways as possible. We also remember that the author believes in the nature. And that's why their stories are on the side of the village.

Translation: -

After a short story session, there is a translation session in which Vishal Sir spoke about job opportunities in the translation sector. Translation is very hard and great work as well. We have done one of the translations of the phrase.

In this way, we get knowledge about writing short stories and getting translations.

Thank you !

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