Monday, 1 April 2019

Education System : ELT and ICT

1 Why is it in technology in education?


Technology in education makes students creative They learn, analyze and remember the information. By using internet and mobile devices they will learn to connect Use of technology will make learning collaborative with vivid ideas, skills and knowledge Technology like slideshare, linkdlen, Youtube on this platform student will become uploaders not only downloaders of other 's things

2 What is the difference between using and integrating technology?


In education using technology means only integrated in practical learning Technology like activities prezis, production videos and apps Technology used to deliver information
Integration of Technology It is used to achieve goals and learning objectives. Integration with students Technology which was used to build out

3 how can we integrate technology?


In our learning and practical life Through technology it is easy to understand global world In the classroom use of technology like Internet, digital learning, blogs, SlideShare, email, flipped learning will develop our creativity and confidence. Students will become uploaders on Internet We will be able to engage in cooperation and communication with outside world.

4 Can Technology replace the teacher


This is the age in which human is replaced by technology There is so much place in the place where human beings are taken by machine and technology. But in education, the place of teacher can not take anything May be the student and teacher between feelings, feelings and interaction. The replacement of teacher with tools, it has got big challenge and it becomes harmful too

5 write in brief on David Crystal's views on 'effect of new technologies on English language', 'biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of internet', and 'texting is good for English language


David Crystal speaks about the influence of technology on English language. Technology helps in learning As we know many people read stuff from social media, many people are social networking cites and for that you need to have a basic platform for other people with interaction and that is all by common language use, English He also talked about the problems that teachers are facing. Because this language Teachers have to teach students to accept every accent and they should also focus on the modern English used by students. As Crystal says that the mobile you got, the higher your literacy goes. Exactly! Mobile teaches us lot, the whole world and every single way to educate your self is with your pocket if you have a mobile with you. No one really uses the standard English, and all are to accept it. Texting is 'Good' for English Language, while interacting with new people. See, speaking English in front of people, we get nervous, but while texting we do not So texting helps it

6. Name one web-tool which can help in all four L-S-R-W skills. If possible explain how it works


In this digital era there are number of tools which can help in all four basic skills, for me it is YouTube. This is the best tool We can watch the video in any language. This will improve our listening skills The more you listen, If one will decide to upload their own video and for that he has also written from other descriptive videos. This will improve their reading and writing skills. So this is how YouTube will help

                                                       Thank you !

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Paper no : 15 Assignment

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