# Rivers and Tides - Documentary
Normal human build up So we never show off But here Golsworthy is trying to catch up with his documantry. In English literature We find that Wordsworth follow 'Back to nature'.
Goldsworthy aims to help people notice their magical mysteries. By making sculptures made of all natural materials and building them in their original environment, Goldsworthy is able to observe the effects of time in nature. He is the only person who can be saved. He stored his art in digital form and on paper
The beauty of this art is, it will show up when it will dry, then it will vanish also He also does some special woods He made the circle of it and then let it dry. Here it is The documentary is very well. Some picture of his audience But it was very well narrated and recorded

"Art for me is a form of potion". Goldsworthy creates something Then he said, "It was my gift to them." He did not feel scared for it He accepts the story
Thank you ...
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