Our Learnig experience with central university's proffesor. Balaji Ranganathan sir. He had dealt with ELT-1.On 14-15-16 september in Department of English MKBU we have guest lecture by Professor Balaji Ranganathan. He comes from Central University Gandhinagar.
He had deal with post colonial study in our department.
In three days session he deals with :

1) Black skin and white mask
2) orientalism
3) A Tempest
4) Imaginary Homeland
Prof. Ranganathan has deep understanding and knowledge about this theory, first of all he told us the background of the theory, because it is necessary to understand the context. In the very first chapter 'The Black skin White mask', he gives the information about the writer also. One significant sentence was, "our visualisation of nation is not fixed, it changes time by time." We have understood very well the concept of language, the difference between Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' and Aime Cesaire's 'A Tempest', the concept of Orientalism, and many other different concepts. In a way he has a mastery in this field.
We have another session on NET/SLET. In that lecture he taught us different formula to remember the history, criticism etc.. he also told that read original don't depend on only summary. He also gave information about how to face interview so its very helpful in future.
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