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Name : mori Utsavi Bharatbhai
Roll no : 33
Enrollment no :
M. A. Sem -3
Year : 2017-2018
Email Id :
Paper no : 12
Submitted to : Department of English Bhavnagar
Topic : use of various
Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of language teaching
and language learning and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings are
Includes into the approaches. Approaches seeks to be provide a comprehensive
and comprehensible account of major and minor trends in language teaching from beginning of the
twentieth century to the preset also. It
has extensive and acknowledge links to a particular tradition in second or
foreign language teaching. So let’s
learn about various approaches. (Richard and Rodger 178 to 180)
We will found various
approaches into the language teaching such as …..
1). Functional approach
2) Situational approach
3) Communicative approach and
4) Structural approach so let’s understand briefly about above approaches.
1) Functional
functional approach explains the behaviour is indebted to Smith Freud and
Functional national syllabus is a syllabus in which the language content
is arranged according to the functions that the learner will use the language
for and the meaning a learner needs to express through the language. It
contains some syllabus which contains the meaning and concept the learner needs
to communicate example, duration and location.
The language is needed to express different functions for example
requesting suggesting. Like the language becomes medium which depends on
request of the student and it leads towards suggestions which were given by the
teacher is call functional approach. Functional syllabus is based on the
communicative and interpersonal Functional syllabus is based on communicative
use and interpersonal use. Functional approach is based on communicative use and
interpersonal use. It also does direct contrast with function syllabus and
grammatical syllable. Functional approach emphasize on the functioning of a
language and not on its structure and form.
approach seeks to impart instruction in the hope that attempting to use
language in life like or real world context is the best way of learning.
Language knowledge of formal structure
is at best incidental and is considered valid only in so far as it provocative
language use, so we can say that Functional approach promotes active language use.
Functional approach refers to notions like location, gyration, ability
and concept of time. Some functions are
given to students while teaching through this approach which related with the
communication between teacher and students. For example student will make
request, enquiries and suggestions and so teacher should give advice and
introductions. So it will call functional approach. (contributors)
The second approach is situational approach:
language teaching is an approach developed by British applied linguist in the
1930s to the 1960. While it is an approach unknown for many teachers it had a
big influence on language courses till the 1980s.
The language teaching is base on a structural view of language speech;
structure and a focus on a set of basic vocabulary are seen as the basis of
language teaching. This was a view similar to American structuralisms’ such as Fries. However what
distinguishes, the Second language teaching approach is it’s emphasize on the presentation of structures in
Situational language teaching is characterized by two major features:
1) Focus on
vocabulary and reading is one of the most salient traits of S.L.T. In fact,
mastery of a set high frequency vocabulary items is believed to lead to good
reading skills. Reading skill is a main
kill into the language teaching experts believe that learners learn to read
best by reading both simplified and authentic materials. The activities in a reading lesson often follow this
1) Introductory activities
2) Main activities and
3) Post activities.
2) An analysis of
English and a classification of its prominent grammatical structures into
sentence patterns also called situational tables are believed to help learner
internalize grammatical rules.
Of language learning
constitutes the cornerstone of situation of language teaching. The approach
gives primary to the process over the conditions of learning. The following
processes are noted in this approach.
1) The act of
receiving the knowledge or material
2) Repetition to fix
that knowledge, or material in memory.
3) The use of the
knowledge or material in actual practice until it becomes a personal skill.
Objectives of S .L.A
The adjective
of situational language teaching involves accurate use of vocabulary items and
grammar rules in order to achieve a practical mastery of the four basic skills.
Learner must be able
to produce accurate pronuntiation and use of grammar. The ultimate aim is to be
able to respond quickly and accurately in speech situation s with an automatic
control of basic structures and sentence pattern.
Syllable of
Second language teaching is designed upon a word list and structural
activities. Grammar teaching involves situational presentation of new sentence
pattern and drills to produce the pattern. The teacher moves from controlled to
free practice of situations and from oral use of sentence. Patterns to their
automatic use in speech, reading and writing.
In Situational
Language teaching, a lesson practice followed by a revision and a presentation
of new material. The teacher then proceeds to oral practice and drilled of the
elements presented finally, the lesson or exercises.
Advantages of
situational approach:
Situational language teaching is still attracting to many teachers who
still believe in structural practice of language. It’s radically in the teaching of grammar or pattern
has contributed to the survival of the approach until recently. Besides its
emphasis on oral practice still attracts support among language teachers.
Disadvantages of Situational approach:
premises underlying the approach have
been criticized for example Chomsky 1957 showed that the structural and the
behaviouristic approach to language are simply incorrect as the fundamental
features of language learning: the ability to create novel and unique
sentences. Children do not acquire
their mother tongue through repetition
and habit formation. There must be, however an innate predisposition that leads
them to a certain kind of linguistic competence. So situational approach is
very important approach in Language teaching.
The third approach
is Structural approach
Structural approach is a prescriptive model that suggests learner’s should start to develop
rules for problems solving. In
developing rules, the learner needs to
fulfil the gaps in the problem and in doing so learner‘s problem solving.
Structural Approach is based on the assumption that language can best be
learnt through a science selection and grading of structures or patterns of
sentences and vocabulary. The stress is on the learning of essential structure
of English.
In the words of Menon and Patel: “The
structural approach os based on the belief that in the learning of foreign
language, mastery of structures is more important than the acquisition of
vocabulary.” This approach employs the
technique of the direct Method of teaching but the use of translations is not
wholly discarded. Teaching is done in situations. Speech is mainly stressed but
reading and writing are not neglected. There is scope for limitless experiments
in imaginative ways of applying the structural Approach in the classroom. Prof.
C.S. Bhandari has rightly said …….
“It is not proper and the
correct to call the structural Approach a method of teaching. It is not proper
and correct is known as the structural Approach a method of teaching. It is not
a method; it is an approach any method can be used within.” (Jack c. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers)
Specification of theory:
1) Goals and preconditions :
- Problem
2) Principles :
1. Teach higher
order rules that can be used to derive lower order rules.
2. Teach simple
solution paths and lead to more complex paths.
3. Rules must be
composed of the minimum capabilities possessed by the learner.
3) Condition of
1. This theory is
based on interaction between a tutor and one or more learner.
2. Technology may
fill the role of tutor.
3. The structure
means task analysis determines the rules required to solve their problems.
4) Required media
5) Role of
- External
agent means tutor that influences learning.
6) Instructional
1. Use structural
analysis to identify the problem domains means input and output for problem
2. Develop a
hierarchy of rules for the problem domain starts with prototypical examples.
This prototype may leave gaps.
3. Covers this gap
into higher order problem that contains the rules for the gap.
4. Fulfil the gaps
with the higher order rules help to validate lover level rules and allow for
consolidation of reluctant rules.
7) Assessment method
The learner can
use higher order to solve the problem solve in complex and ill defined domains.
The learner can distinguishes between lower and. higher order rules. Learner
enabling rules to solve problems.
Characteristics of Structural approach
The concept of English study system depends upon three main characteristics
which are briefly, discussed as:-
1) Words order, or
the “patterns of form” is of primary importance in
learning English language. It is the order of words in a pattern that makes
true meaing clear.
2) Presence of
function words. The structural devices makes use of the another important
principle. This is the essential use of ‘function,
words or structural words.” Observe the following :
a. I kill the snake
b. I shall kill the
c. I have killed
the snake
3) Use of important
characteristics is that English language makes use of a small number of
inflections as compared to other languages. Which makes changes are prominent
in the following for ex.
- I Verbs:
- I write,
- He writes,
- I am writing
- I wrote.
· Principles of the structural approach
a. Forming Language
habits :
The Second language acquisition gives due importance to the forming of
language habits. The learners should acquire the habit of arranging words in
English study through the language drill.
b. Importance of
structural approach regards speech as more important that reading and writing.
Speech is the necessary means of fixing all ground works.
c. Important of
pupils activity:
The second
language acquisition puts more emphasis on pupil’s activity that on the teaching. It is he child who
is the learner, so he must be actively involved into the teaching- learning
The whole
approach is based on the activities and thinking process which is almost
accomplished by activities if some kind of pleasurable activities is the secret
of success in the long assimilation.
Forth approach is Communicative approach:
communicative approach is an approach to language teaching that emphasize
interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.
This approach rise in 1970’s
and 1980’s. Due to the colonialism
number of student has the opportunity to learn foreign languages. Educators
were forced to invent new technique to involve active participation of
Chomsky realizes that their theories of prevalent time could not explain
the creativity and variety evident in real communication. British linguistics
like Christopher Canadian and Henry Widdowson focused on structure.
The linguistics and anthropologists Dell Hymes developed the concept of
communicative competence.Hymes says “there
are rules of use of without which the rules of grammar would be useless.” Communicative language
learning materials were also developed in Germany personal freedom was
David Nunan 1991 gave five features of communicative
language teaching:
1. Learning to communicate through
interaction in the target language
2. Introducing
authentic text into the learning situations.
3. To provide
opportunity to learner in learning.
4. Enhancing of
learners experiments to classroom teaching.
5. An attempt to
link classroom language outside the class room.
This approach also provides the classroom activities like:
· Role play:
It includes
Information gap, Games, language exchange, questioning etc. Survey, pair work
and learning by teaching.
Critics complained
for paying insufficient attention to the context in which teaching and learning
takes place.
Communicative approach focuses on the process communication rather than
on structural, functional ornotional items.
Analysis of communicative tasks:
· Goals
· Inputs
· Activities
· Teacher’s role
· Setting etc.
Communicative competence:
ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order to
perform grammatically correct sentences, but also known when and where to use
the sentences.
This approach
is related with the close interaction with teacher and students active
participation into the activities like.
1. Role play
2. Learning by teaching
3. Pair works
4. Survey
5. Information gaps
6. Games
7. Language exchange etc.
This approach
is a set of assumption about how language is learnt by the enjoyment.
So all the
approaches like Communicative approach, Functional approach, structural
approach and the situational approach are most important for language teaching
and learning also. All approaches were achieved through the practice, great
knowledge and hard work
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